
Recent Update, Oct 2008
Ok, so I don't actually use the internet all that much, so it's been ages since I wrote anything here, but I thought it only fair to let the world of the internet know this. The 'Cupfull of Oliver' site is meant to be a sort of artist's folio and internet bookmark with contact details in case people want a introduction to my work. It's housed on the Goblin Fruit server, which also hosts the online poetry magazine I oftentimes design, with my co-editors Amal El Mohtar and Jessica Wick, called Goblin Fruit. If you're dying to see recent work, just follow the link to my flickr page. Also, the music page of this site is being rebuilt, so in the meantime download direct from or visit the Owl+Moth - Myspace music page.

Other links:

Owl+Moth - Myspace music page
Oliver Hunter; Mage of Muse Hill - The Endicott Studio
Goblin Fruit - a quarterly online poetry zine devoted to fairytales and the fantastic