Resurrection of a Pin Doll

by Kristine Ong Muslim

I prod her to stay awake,
threaten to throw her into
the toy box where the warrior
boy with the bayonet resides.

Her button eyes begin to take on
a hint of color, a darker brown like
the eyes of the missing neighborhood girl.

This is my lovely pin doll
stuffed with the softest of innards.

Each day a pin pierces her heart.
Each day a pin punctures her lung.
She sings all the time.

More than 600 of Kristine Ong Muslim's poems and stories have appeared or are forthcoming in over 200 publications worldwide. Her work has appeared in Aberrant Dreams, Abyss & Apex, Cemetery Moon, Dog Versus Sandwich, GUD Magazine, The Fifth Di, Kaleidotrope, Labyrinth Inhabitant Magazine, Oddlands Magazine, OG’s Speculative Fiction, Tales of the Talisman, The Specusphere, and Trail of Indiscretion. She is a two-time winner of Sam’s Dot Publishing’s James Award for genre poetry. Her favorite fruit is the kiwi.

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